I'm using php to look at an XML file that has a URL in it. The URLs look something like this:
When I echo out the URLs, the "¤" shows up as "¤" (AKA #164, A4 or currency symbol) and the links don't work. This happens even though there isn't a closing semicolon for it. What is the cleanest way to make "¤" display literally?
Use the php function urlencode:
will output
Funny enough I ran into the same problem just now and I found this answer. However, I found another solution which might even be better!
Simply put the variable at the beginning of your query string, and you will avoid the ¤ completely.
instead of:
The problem here is escaping - you need to escape the "&" characters. In XML all special characters like <, >, ', " and & should be escaped.
Escape it properly as
..just like in HTML:
<a href="https://example.com/bacon_report?Id=1&report=1¤tDimension=2¶m=1">WRONG - no escaping</a>
<a href="https://example.com/bacon_report?Id=1&report=1&currentDimension=2&param=1">CORRECT - correct escape sequence</a>
So - the cleanest way to show "¤" in HTML/XML is to properly escape the ampersand, and render it as "&curren".
I think that in this case it is best to use htmlentities because with urlencode you get
and when applying urldecode, you will still have the ¤ symbol
where as with htmlentities the url comes out clean.