Redis Hash Pagination

2019-05-12 01:31发布


I am using the Redis Hash, in which I am storing student id as the key (which is not numeric), the value is POJO of student data. now I need redis-pagination i.e. I don't care about the students' order but I want to fetch only some students data in one go. can I do this in Redis? if for supporting the pagination some modification in the data structure is required that would be ok too.

P.S. I am using spring-data-redis. but the solution without it would be ok too. basically, I want to find out whether redis supports pagination for hashes.


Sounds like you are looking for the HSCAN command, which lets you page through a hash using a cursor. It has the same interface as the global key SCAN command, so look there for examples.

I'm not familiar with spring-data-redis but it might have some nice wrapper for this functionality. Otherwise, drop down to whatever redis library it runs on and execute it directly.