Is there a way to call a function in CMake using the name that is stored in a variable (for passing functions to functions, etc)?
Here is what I have tried:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
set(FuncVar doThing)
Which fails with this error:
Parse error. Expected a command name, got unquoted argument with text "${FuncVar}".
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
I can't see why this shouldn't work, but then again I am new to CMake so what do I know.
Thank you for any help!
I have solved this with a workaround using files.
Lets say you have:
function(do what)
You want to call different specializations depending on 'what'. You can then do:
function(do what)
And in file do-something.cmake:
You can create as many specialization files as you want...
Hi I have written eval
for cmake (and it is as fast as i can make it)
here and here is the code as it is part of my cmakepp library.
I have written two versions of eval
and eval_ref
because the first does not give you access to the PARENT_SCOPE
whereas the latter does)
however this will only help if your use cmakepp and as that might be a dealbreaker for you I modified it to work with vanilla cmake:
## evals the specified cmake code.
## WARNING: there is no way to set(<var> <value> PARENT_SCOPE)
## because of the extra function scope defined by eval.
## WARNING: allowing eval can of course be dangerous.
function(eval __eval_code)
# one file per execution of cmake (if this file were in memory it would probably be faster...)
# this is where the temporary eval file will be stored. it will only be used once per eval
# and since cmake is not multihreaded no race conditions should occure. however if you start
# two cmake processes in the same project this could lead to collisions
set(__eval_temp_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/__eval_temp.cmake")
# write the content of temp file and include it directly, this overwrite the
# eval function you are currently defining (initializer function pattern)
file(WRITE "${__eval_temp_file}" "
function(eval __eval_code)
file(WRITE ${__eval_temp_file} \"\${__eval_code}\")
## now eval is defined as what was just written into __eval_temp_file
## since we are still in first definition we just need to execute eval now
## (which calls the second definition of eval).
Without workarounds, CMake itself does not support function pointers or indirect calls. For example someone asked on the CMake mailing list in 2011 about a call
function to achieve what you wanted to do: