I have the following during a proof, in which I need to replace normal_form step t
with value t
as there is a proven theorem that there are equivalent.
H1 : t1 ==>* t1' /\ normal_form step t1'
t2' : tm
H2 : t2 ==>* t2' /\ normal_form step t2'
exists t' : tm, P t1 t2 ==>* t' /\ normal_form step t'
The equivalence theorem is:
Theorem nf_same_as_value
: forall t : tm, normal_form step t <-> value t
Now, I can use this theorem to rewrite normal_form
occurrences in the hypotheses, but not in the goal. That is
rewrite nf_same_as_value in H1; rewrite nf_same_as_value in H2.
works on the hypothesis, but rewrite nf_same_as_value.
on the goal gives:
Found no subterm matching "normal_form step ?4345" in the current goal.
Is the rewrite
on the goal here impossible theoretically, or is it an implementation issue?
-- Edit --
My confusion here is that if we define normal_form step = value
, the rewrite would have worked. If we define forall t, normal_form step t <-> value t
, then the rewrite
works if normal_form step
is not quoted in an existential, but does not work if it is in an existential.
Adapting @Matt 's example,
Require Export Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Inductive R1 : Prop -> Prop -> Prop :=
|T1_refl : forall P, R1 P P.
Inductive R2 : Prop -> Prop -> Prop :=
|T2_refl : forall P, R2 P P.
Theorem Requal : R1 = R2.
Theorem Requiv : forall x y, R1 x y <-> R2 x y.
Theorem test0 : forall y, R2 y y -> exists x, R1 x x.
intros. rewrite <- Requal in H. (*works*) rewrite Requal. (*works as well*)
Theorem test2 : forall y, R2 y y -> exists x, R1 x x.
intros. rewrite <- Requiv in H. (*works*) rewrite Requiv. (*fails*)
What confuses me is why the last step has to fail.
1 subgoal
y : Prop
H : R1 y y
exists x : Prop, R1 x x
Is this failure related to functional extensionality?
The error message is particularly confusing:
Found no subterm matching "R1 ?P ?P0" in the current goal.
There is exactly one subterm matching R1 _ _
, namely R1 x x.
Also, per @larsr, the rewrite works if eexists
is used
Theorem test1 : forall y, R2 y y -> exists x, R1 x x.
intros. eexists. rewrite Requiv. (*works as well*) apply H. Qed.
What did eexists
add here?