I am using local aar files for one of our projects and have below Query. I have 2 libraries and 1 application.
2 libraries are: 1. TestLib2 2. TestLib1
1 Application is: 1. Test
I use a aar file created for TestLib2 and refer it using flatDir in TestLib1. I can access the functions present in TestLib2 without any problems.
Now I use a aar file created for TestLib1 and refer it using flatDir in Test. I can access only the functions present in TestLib1. For accessing TestLib2 i have to add it to Test application as one more Library.
So the dependency is like below:
|_ TestLib1
|_ TestLib2
Is the above possible in case of aar files?
Also in settings.gradle file for TestLib1 i mention to include
include ':app', ':testlib2-debug'
Where app refers to the TestLib1
The build.gradle file doesnt really have any flavors as such and i dont even have any restriction of using them as jar's since its containing only the java piece of code.
Any help on the same is much appreciated.
BR, Jayshil
Update 1: I tried below as well in build.gradle of TestLib1 and Test. Still no luck.
dependencies {
compile (name:'testlib2-debug', ext:'aar') {
transitive = true;
And for Test App
compile (name:'testlib1-debug', ext:'aar') {
transitive = true;