I write a custom Lightweight resource. But the notifies and only_if is not recognized.
Anyone else get this working?
I use these in opsworks supplies resources. So I know I am using them correctly.
Unfortunately proprietary code, so I can't post the code.
Ok. RTFM. Well not really. I did not find this specific issue covered.
If you write your own light weight resource and want to be able to use notifies, then use
notifies will then happen (true) or not happen(false).
Here is an example from Opscode
action :create do
t = template "/etc/cron.d/#{new_resource.name}" do
cookbook new_resource.cookbook
source "cron.d.erb"
mode "0644"
:name => new_resource.name,
:minute => new_resource.minute,
:hour => new_resource.hour,
:day => new_resource.day,
:month => new_resource.month,
:weekday => new_resource.weekday,
:command => new_resource.command,
:user => new_resource.user,
:mailto => new_resource.mailto,
:path => new_resource.path,
:home => new_resource.home,
:shell => new_resource.shell
action :create
If you want to research more deep just follow the link.
Seemingly, the solution mentioned by @Robert never worked, as mentioned in Chef issue #3748. A working solution would be to use 'use_inline_resources'.