This is my first time doing these things. Basically I am creating a batch file html maker for church songs. This is what I am stuck with:
echo <br> %var17% >>Runfiles\temporary2.txt
Basically var 17 is a line of lyric and I want to add a line break in front of it. I have seperated the template maker into three parts:
- first half
- lyrics
- second half
Here is the code:
@echo off
copy "I:\Build\Files\*.txt"
ren *.txt temp.txt
set vidx=0
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp.txt) do (
SET /A vidx=!vidx! + 1
set var!vidx!=%%A
set var
echo <br> %var17% >>Runfiles\temporary2.txt
TYPE Runfiles\temp1.txt > run.html
TYPE temp.txt >> run.html
TYPE Runfiles\temp2.txt >> run.html
Temp 1 is the beginning and temp2 is the end, so I have a lyric document and I want to insert a <br>
element in front of all of them.
The reason is because I have somewhat 100 songs to process and it takes so long to do it manually.