I have defined four bundles:
bundle 1 : export package x version 1
bundle 2 : import package x ver [1,2] and export package y;y uses x
bundle 3 : export package x version 2
bundle 4 : import package y and also import package x version 2
Using apache felix (distribuable binary), I found that I should manually impose to not resolve (or start) the bundle 1 and then bundle 2 before starting the bundle 3 (otherwise a uses constraint problem appears because bundle 2 will use package x version 1 and in bundle 4 will appear package x version 1 and version 2 --> uses constraint violation).
Thanks to the authors of these posts:
I don't like to impose order to my bundles, I need to copy all my bundles in the /bundle directory and then the instance of framework install and start them.
I noticed that Apache felix sorts the bundles to be installed alphabetically (so bundle 1 will be installed and then started the first).
I tried with Apache karaf, I copied my bundles into /deploy and I found that the problem disappears, so my question is:
Does Apache Karaf, (or felix file install) apply a strategy to impose any order for starting bundles in order to avoid these kind of problems ?