How do I Start a job of a function i just defined?
function FOO { write-host "HEY" } Start-Job -ScriptBlock { FOO } |
Receive-Job: The term 'FOO' is not recognized as the name of cmdlet,
function ,script file or operable program.
What do I do?
As @Shay points out, FOO
needs to be defined for the job. Another way to do this is to use the -InitializationScript
parameter to prepare the session.
For your example:
$functions = {
function FOO { write-host "HEY" }
Start-Job -InitializationScript $functions -ScriptBlock {FOO}|
Wait-Job| Receive-Job
This can be useful if you want to use the same functions for different jobs.
@Rynant's suggestion of InitializationScript
is great
I thought the purpose of (script) blocks is so that you can pass them around. So depending on how you are doing it, I would say go for:
$FOO = {write-host "HEY"}
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $FOO | wait-job |Receive-Job
Of course you can parameterize script blocks as well:
$foo = {param($bar) write-host $bar}
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $foo -ArgumentList "HEY" | wait-job | receive-job
The function needs to be inside the scriptblock:
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { function FOO { write-host "HEY" } ; FOO } | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
An improvement to @Rynant's answer:
You can define the function as normal in the main body of your script:
Function FOO
Write-Host "HEY"
and then recycle this definition within a scriptblock:
$export_functions = [scriptblock]::Create(@"
Function Foo { $function:FOO }
(makes more sense if you have a substantial function body) and then pass them to Start-Job
as above:
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {FOO} -InitializationScript $export_functions| Wait-Job | Receive-Job
I like this way, as it is easier to debug jobs by running them locally under the debugger.