I am validating the text input by a user so that it will only accept letters but not numbers. so far my code works fine when I type in a number (e.g. 56), it warns me that I should only type letters and when I type in letters it doesn't return anything (like it should do). My problem is that it accepts it when I start by typing letters followed by numbers e.g. (s45). what it does is accept the first letter but not the whole string. I need it to accept the whole string.
def letterCheck(aString):
if len(aString) > 0:
if re.match("[a-zA-Z]", aString) != None:
return ""
return "Enter letters only"
Anchor it to the start and end, and match one or more characters:
if re.match("^[a-zA-Z]+$", aString):
Here ^
anchors to the start of the string, $
to the end, and +
makes sure you match 1 or more characters.
You'd be better off just using str.isalpha()
instead though. No need to reach for the hefty regular expression hammer here:
>>> 'foobar'.isalpha()
>>> 'foobar42'.isalpha()
>>> ''.isalpha()
use boundaries in your regex + raw string to encode the regex, like this:
You might consider using isalpha() on the string. It returns true if the string contains nothing but alphabetic characters, false otherwise.
if aString.isalpha():
do something
handle input error
if you look for pretty pythonic writings, go for isalpha and isdecimal :
str = u"23443434";
print str.isdecimal();