Cross compiled Python 3.6 missing pip, setuptools

2019-05-11 18:20发布


I have just cross-compiled Python 3.6 from a Fedora 26 64 bit to a Raspberry Pi 3, and everything went fine until the last part where it checks for pip and setuptools:

Requirement already up-to-date: setuptools in /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: pip in /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages

And just before that there's a lot of gibberish that goes like:

if test "xupgrade" != "xno"  ; then \
    case upgrade in \
        upgrade) ensurepip="--altinstall --upgrade" ;; \
        install|*) ensurepip="--altinstall" ;; \
    esac; \
     _PYTHON_PROJECT_BASE=/home/ariel/Descargas/Python-3.6.3 _PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM=linux-arm PYTHONPATH=/home/ariel/Descargas/Python-3.6.3/build/lib.linux-arm-3.6:./Lib _PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME=_sysconfigdata_m_linux_arm-linux-gnueabihf python3.6 -m ensurepip \
        $ensurepip --root=/ ; \

Apparently, it's checking for availability on my local machine, due to --root=/. If I navigate to the site-packages path under the altinstall target I only see a README.txt file. What can I do to get pip and setuptools built along Python 3.6?

Edit: This is a follow-up question for my question about how to cross-compile Python 3.6 for a Raspberry Pi 3.