I'm trying to create a test app in which the user can pause an animation by clicking in the SceneView. The SceneView loads the animation from a .dae file created in a 3d app (Cinema 4D). The app successfully plays and loops the animation upon launch.
To pause the animation, I used Technical Q&A QA1673 as a reference. In the case of this .dae file, the animation actually comes in as a hierarchy of animations, so I have tried reaching down to each underlying CAKeyframeAnimation and setting its speed to zero. My code currently looks like this:
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event {
SCNNode *cubeNode = [self.scene.rootNode childNodeWithName:@"C4D_Cube" recursively:YES];
CAAnimation *cubeAnimation = [cubeNode animationForKey:@"Cube_Anim_01-02-1"];
CAAnimationGroup *cubeAnimationGroup = (CAAnimationGroup *)cubeAnimation;
// cubeAnimationGroup contains 3 CAAnimationGroups, each of which contains a CAKeyframeAnimation.
// So I directly access each CAKeyframeAnimation and set its speed to zero.
for (CAAnimationGroup *subGroup in [cubeAnimationGroup animations]) {
CFTimeInterval pausedTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
[[subGroup animations] setValue:@0.0 forKey:@"speed"];
[[subGroup animations] setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:pausedTime] forKey:@"timeOffset"];
When I set a breakpoint, I can see that the speed of the keyframe animations does change from 1 to 0, but the animation continues to play at its normal speed in the scene view. I originally tried just setting the speed on the top level CAAnimationGroup to zero, but this also had no effect. What's the correct way to pause an animation in progress?