My understanding is that I need to undertake the following steps:
- Make the users' roles read-only
- Use security rules on the data which access the roles to control access
- Check for the role in the router
There are various examples on the official documentation how to deal with the security rules, but I couldn't figure out how to check for the role in the router. Let's assume I have an admin-only area, if someone who is not an admin tries to access that page I want that user to be redirected.
I'm currently following the official example using UI-Router, so this is my code:
app.config(["$stateProvider", function ($stateProvider) {
.state("home", {
// the rest is the same for ui-router and ngRoute...
controller: "HomeCtrl",
templateUrl: "views/home.html",
resolve: {
// controller will not be loaded until $waitForSignIn resolves
// Auth refers to our $firebaseAuth wrapper in the factory below
"currentAuth": ["Auth", function(Auth) {
// $waitForSignIn returns a promise so the resolve waits for it to complete
return Auth.$waitForSignIn();
.state("account", {
// the rest is the same for ui-router and ngRoute...
controller: "AccountCtrl",
templateUrl: "views/account.html",
resolve: {
// controller will not be loaded until $requireSignIn resolves
// Auth refers to our $firebaseAuth wrapper in the factory below
"currentAuth": ["Auth", function(Auth) {
// $requireSignIn returns a promise so the resolve waits for it to complete
// If the promise is rejected, it will throw a $stateChangeError (see above)
return Auth.$requireSignIn();
I'm guessing I'll have to check in the resolve for a user role, but how would I access the data from the database there?
I tried André's solution, but "waitForAuth" (console.log("test1") never triggers. "waitForSignIn" does though, but then nothing happens - there is no error message.
.state('superadmin-login', {
url: '/superadmin',
templateUrl: 'views/superadmin-login.html',
'waitForAuth': ['Auth', function (Auth) {
// $requireAuth returns a promise so the resolve waits for it to complete
// If the promise is rejected, it will throw a $stateChangeError (see above)
return Auth.refAuth().$waitForSignIn();
.state('superadmin', {
url: '/center-of-the-universe',
templateUrl: 'views/superadmin.html',
resolve: {
// controller will not be loaded until $requireAuth resolves
// Auth refers to our $firebaseAuth wrapper in the example above
'currentAuth': ['Auth', function (Auth) {
// $requireAuth returns a promise so the resolve waits for it to complete
// If the promise is rejected, it will throw a $stateChangeError (see above)
return Auth.refAuth().$requireSignIn();
//Here i check if a user has admin rights, note that i pass currentAuth and waitForAuth to this function to make sure those are resolves before this function
hasAdminAccess: function (currentAuth, waitForAuth, Rights) {
return Rights.hasAdminAccess(currentAuth);