I'm using Flask with Flask-Security (specifically Flask-WTF regarding my csrf issue) to "ease" the process of register/loggin users (not easy so far). I'm using BackboneJS on the front-end, therefore I kind of hacked the original way to use Flask-WTF. Indeed, I make an AJAX GET request on /register to get the register page (generated by Flask-Security) and I put the resulting HTML in a modal.
render: function () {
var self = this;
type: 'GET',
url: Config.constants.serverGateway + "/register"
console.log("get register done", result);
var html = self.template({ config: Config, form: result });
console.log("Could not get register token", error);
var html = this.errorTemplate({ config: Config });
return this;
This way I have the generated csrf, and when I POST the registration data, I send the right csrf along the user data (email and password).
submit: function () {
var self = this;
var formData = this.$el.find('form').serialize();
type: 'POST',
url: Config.constants.serverGateway + "/register",
data: formData,
dataType: 'json'
console.log("Could not submit register data", error);
On the server-side, I can debug my python code to see that the csrf_token which has been generated when I requested the register page has disappeared from the session object, therefore leading to the generation of a new one, which of course didn't match the one I send with my form. The session is still the same though, as the _id is the same during the GET and the POST.
You can see the code in flask_wtf/csrf.py::generate_csrf(), which is called when creating the form object in the ::register function from flask_security/views.py
if 'csrf_token' not in session:
session['csrf_token'] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()
It results in a CSRF TOKEN MISSING error.
An additionnal information, is that my front-end and back-end are delivered by the same server, as they have a different port number.
Last, when I use an href on front-end and display the page returned by the server on the 'GET' request, submitting the form works well. I just liked to display this registration form in a modal.
Thanks for your help