I have a large medieval manuscript transcribed into XML (using TEI schema). I am using xsl:fo and Apache FOP to process into PDF. The file is constructed using nested <body>
, <p>
, <seg>
as shown below. Occasionally <add>
is used for margin notes.
<title>title here</title>
<seg>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Quisque a orci non mauris convallis imperdiet consequat nec
purus. Cras mollis lacus vel lectus facilisis, non
hendrerit velit tempor. Phasellus tempor urna vel accumsan
<seg>Aliquam porta eu nunc sed laoreet.
Sed<add type='margin_gloss'>Some margin note here</add>
non nulla consectetur, lobortis tortor ac,
placerat nunc. Nulla viverra finibus est nec efficitur. Donec
nisi nisl, tincidunt dapibus purus pretium, rhoncus volutpat
tortor. Cras fringilla tellus tortor, at
ultricies mi cursus at. Nulla facilisi.</seg>
<seg>Quisque id mi nisl. In in mauris id leo malesuada hendrerit.
Orci varius natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Nulla sit amet
commodo mauris.</seg>
The xml file is massive, and so there is one master xml file which uses <xi:include>
s to bring hundreds of these documents in order to compose the complete manuscript.
I have successfully processed this into a PDF with the following basic instructions:
<xsl:template match="/">
page-height="29.7cm" page-width="21cm"
margin-top="2cm" margin-bottom="2cm"
margin-left="2cm" margin-right="1cm">
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="page-recto">
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body"
font-family="Times" font-weight="normal"
font-size="8pt" space-before="8pt" space-after="8pt"
text-align="justify" end-indent="120pt">
<xsl:template match="body/p">
font-size="9pt" font-weight="bold"
padding-bottom="1cm" end-indent="120pt">
<xsl:value-of select="tei:title"/>
<xsl:template match="seg">
<fo:block id="@xml:id"
font-family="Times" font-weight="normal"
font-size="8pt" space-before="8pt"
space-after="8pt" text-align="justify"
This gives me a successful result like this page:
I've indented the right side (end) in order to make room for the margin notes. For example, in the 4th <seg>
of the first <p>
, there is a margin note 'Fabri +'. It is encoded <add type=margin_gloss>Fabri +</add>
I add the following template to 'float' the margin gloss:
<xsl:template match="body/p//add[@type='margin_gloss']">
<fo:float float="end">
<xsl:value-of select="./s/text()"/>
And I get this disaster (the red text/arrows are my guides to the problems). The template with float has done 3 things which I cannot fathom. The float 'should' appear beside the 4th segment, but instead is below, merged with the next <p>
; the 4th <seg>
has disappeared; and the following <p>
's indent is reduced.