I'm writing a dungeon crawler game in CL, and I'm having trouble with the case form.
Two things:
- Common Lisp complains
Duplicate keyform QUOTE in CASE statement
(make-instance 'cl-rogue:tile tile-type 'wall)
should print as "#", but the object prints as " " no matter which tile-type I use.
The code:
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage :cl-rogue
(:use :common-lisp)
(in-package :cl-rogue)
(defparameter *cols* 80)
(defparameter *rows* 24)
(defparameter *levels* 26)
The class:
(defclass tile ()
:initarg :tile-type
:accessor tile-type
:initform 'floor
:documentation "Type of tile")
:initarg :tile-contents
:accessor tile-contents
:initform '()
:documentation "Any items the tile holds")
:initarg :tile-hidden
:accessor tile-hidden
:initform nil
:documentation "Whether the tile is hidden or shown")
:initarg :tile-locked
:accessor tile-locked
:initform nil
:documentation "Whether the tile is locked")
:initarg :tile-closed
:accessor tile-closed
:initform nil
:documentation "Whether the tile is open or closed")))
The print method:
(defmethod print-object ((object tile) stream)
(with-slots (tile-type tile-contents tile-hidden tile-locked tile-closed) object
(if tile-hidden
(format stream " ")
(let ((an-item (car tile-contents)))
(if an-item
(format stream "~a" an-item)
(format stream (case tile-type
('wall "#")
('upstair "<")
('downstair ">")
('door (if tile-closed "+" "\\"))
(otherwise " "))))))))