Using the below line of code, all scenarios mentioned in login.feature can be executed.
@CucumberOptions(features= "src/main/resources/publish/login.feature", format = {"pretty"} )
If I have to execute multiple feature files, how do I define? Assuming if I define as below, features mentioned in publish folder would be executed.
@CucumberOptions(features= "src/main/resources/publish", format = {"pretty"} )
If I have to run multiple features and scenarios inside it, how do I define? Do i have to create multile cucumberRunner classes or i can define in one class file.
You can do it by defining tags value in cucumber option(considering that you have already grouped those scenarios in feature files)
Defining Tags Inside Feature File:
Feature: My Feature File
Scenario: Login
Given I open "FireFox" browser
When I navigate to Sectionone "Home" page
And i do something
Then I Validate Something
Scenario: Compose Email
Given I open "FireFox" browser
When I Do An Action
Scenario:Send Email
You can either use selective feature file or selective scenarios in the feature using tags. Please try with this solution.
Lets consider the you have n number of feature files and you need to run only selective feature from that. Then name each feature file with @tag name.
eg.: Under this folder, if you are having n number of features - "src/main/resources/publish"
1st Feature file name:
//Inside the file start with feature tag name
Feature: To Login to Email
//Then feature name followed with scenario tag name
Scenario Outline: Navigate and logon to gmail application
Given User launches gmail application
When User updates emailID <emailID>
And User updates pwd <pwd>
Then User clicks on Login Button
| emailID | pwd |
|| 123 |
2nd Feature File name:
Feature: Create email
Scenario: Blah blah blah...
//Write all Given when And Then
3rd Feature File name:
Feature: Send email
Scenario: Blah blah blah...
//Write all Given when And Then
So From the above Test files. Lets consider you want to test 1st and 3rd feature alone, Then you can use code as below:
eg.: # This is to run specific feature files, which is 1 and 3. Likewise you can use the tags for scenario as well if you have n number scenario in same feature file.
@CucumberOptions(features= "src/main/resources/publish", tags="@Login, @Sendemail", format = {"pretty"} )
Modified my code like to run all enabled features, scenarios. features is the point to note here for the runner class to consider the features
features = {"classpath:features"},
plugin = {"html:target/site/cucumber-pretty","json:target/cucumber.json"},
tags = {"@currentTest"},
// dryRun = true,
monochrome = true
public class RunCukesTest{
features = {"src/test/java/Features"},
tags= {"@FirstTimeLaunch, @SignUpPage"},
glue= {"testCode"},
plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/htmlreports" }
Here all *.feature files inside your Features folder (Package) will be executed in the Alphabetic order of the file name, when you execute as a Junit test ( runner class )