i have multiple (30) PDF files, each containig 48-96 pages. The layout of all pages is identical, there are just other contents (numbers, graphs).
Background: These pages are PDF Reports of fibre cable measurements, and I have to sort them by attenuation of the cables. Due to confidential issues, I unfortunatly cannot give an example file.
For verifying these reports, we are doing some control samples, thats why i need the reports sorted. The question now is: How can I export only very specific parts of all pages in all pdf files to some format i can sort?
As already mentioned, it is very specific where the values are located on the page. It is also already "parsed" content, so it is available "as text" in the PDF file, so it is not scanned, no OCR required.
Any help is appreciated. I currently have no idea how to solve that issue, it could be some tool which does something like that, or a programming approach to solve that.