I have one package "testing" with a data object "test_data" saved in data folder under file name "test_data.RData".
testing contains one function hello() that uses this data object
#' hello
#' @return Prints hello "your_name"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hello()
hello <- function(your_name = "") {
print(paste("test_data has", nrow(test_data), "rows"))
print(sprintf("Hello %s!", your_name))
the following code works fine:
[1] "test_data has 32 rows"
[1] "Hello !"
but this fails:
Error in nrow(test_data) : object 'test_data' not found
Actually I do not use it directly but in another package testingtop that imports this function:
#' Title
#' @export
#' @importFrom testing hello
hello2 <- function(){
I have testing in the Imports section of DESCRIPTION and this fails.
Error in nrow(test_data) : object 'test_data' not found
If I put it in Depends it works if I load the package with library() otherwise it still fails:
> library(testingtop)
Loading required package: testing
> testingtop::hello2()
[1] "test_data has 32 rows"
[1] "Hello !"
Restarting R session...
> testingtop::hello2()
Error in nrow(test_data) : object 'test_data' not found
if it was a function instead of a data object Imports would be fine, why is it different with a data object and I need to load the imported package? Did I miss something? And is it related to LazyData and LazyLoad ?
Probably a duplicate of this question