I want to round my decimal value like 2.2222 to 2.23. When I use round,
decimal a = Math.Round((decimal)2.222, 2);
When I use ceiling, it cause 3
decimal c = Math.Ceiling((decimal)2.22);
How can I get 2.2222 to 2.23 ?
I want to round my decimal value like 2.2222 to 2.23. When I use round,
decimal a = Math.Round((decimal)2.222, 2);
When I use ceiling, it cause 3
decimal c = Math.Ceiling((decimal)2.22);
How can I get 2.2222 to 2.23 ?
public static decimal CeilingAfterPoint(this decimal number, int digitsAfterPoint) {
return Math.Ceiling(number * (decimal)Math.Pow(10, digitsAfterPoint))
/ (decimal)Math.Pow(10, digitsAfterPoint);
decimal c = Math.Ceiling((decimal)2.2222*100)/100;
but it's stupid.
try something like
decimal c = Math.Ceiling((decimal)2.222*100)/100;
but it fails if your value is 2.22
I solved my problem..
string n = "2.2222";
string[] s = n.Split('.');
if (s[1].Count() >= 3)
List<char> z = s[1].ToString().Take(2).ToList();
int c=Convert.ToInt32(z[0].ToString() + z[1].ToString()) + 1;
// int b = Convert.ToInt32(s[1].ElementAt(0).ToString() + s[1].ElementAt(1).ToString()) + 1;
string output= s[0] + "." + c.ToString();
now any number can put ,it will take 2 decimal value and add 1.Thanks.