keeping url parameters during pagination

2019-01-09 16:38发布


Is there any way to keep my GET parameters when paginating.

My problem is that I have a few different urls i.e



How in my pagination class am I supposed to create a link to the page with a different page number on it but yet still keep the other parts of the url?


In short, you just parse the URL and then you add the parameter at the end or replace it if it already exists.

$parts = parse_url($url) + array('query' => array());
parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
$query['page'] = $page;
$parts['query'] = http_build_str($query);
$newUrl = http_build_url($parts);

This example code requires the PHP HTTP module for http_build_url and http_build_str. The later can be replaced with http_build_query and for the first one a PHP userspace implementation exists in case you don't have the module installed.

Another alternative is to use the Net_URL2 package which offers an interface to diverse URL operations:

$op = new Net_URL2($url);
$op->setQueryVariable('page', $page);
$newUrl = (string) $op;

It's more flexible and expressive.


You could use http_build_query() for this. It's much cleaner than deleting the old parameter by hand.

It should be possible to pass a merged array consisting of $_GET and your new values, and get a clean URL.

$new_data = array("currentpage" => "mypage.html");
$full_data = array_merge($_GET, $new_data);  // New data will overwrite old entry
$url = http_build_query($full_data);


If you wanted to write your own function that did something like http_build_query, or if you needed to customize it's operations for some reason or another:

function add_edit_gets($parameter, $value) { 
    $params = array(); 
    $output = "?"; 
    $firstRun = true; 
    foreach($_GET as $key=>$val) { 
        if($key != $parameter) { 
            if(!$firstRun) { 
                $output .= "&"; 
            } else { 
                $firstRun = false; 
            $output .= $key."=".urlencode($val); 

        $output .= "&"; 
    $output .= $parameter."=".urlencode($value); 
    return htmlentities($output); 


Then you could just write out your links like:

<a href="<?php echo add_edit_gets("page", "2"); ?>">Click to go to page 2</a>


How about storing your page parameter in a session, so you don't have to modify every single page url?