I would like to extract the hierarchical structure of the nodes of a dendrogram or cluster.
For example in the next example:
dend15 <- c(1:5) %>% dist %>% hclust(method = "average") %>% as.dendrogram
dend15 %>% plot
The nodes are classified according their position in the dendrogram (see figure below)
(Figure extracted from the dendextend package's tutorial)
I would like to get all the nodes for each final leaf as the next output: (the labels are ordered from left to right and from bottom to top)
hierarchical structure
leaf_1: 3-2-1
leaf_2: 4-2-1
leaf_3: 6-5-1
leaf_4: 8-7-5-1
leaf_5: 9-7-5-1
Thanks in advance,