I had a column which was IDENTITY(1,1). All rows had been numbered consecutively. I did not add or remove any rows. I removed the identity property on this column. Now, I want it back. I think i can reset it to identity with seed = biggest number in existing table.
Could any problems arise if I do this ?
From MSDN SQL Server forum - You have 2 options:
- Create a new table with identity & drop the existing table
- Create a new column with identity & drop the existing column.
*But take special care when these columns have any constraints / relations
As stated in MSDN documentation about considerations for preserving data during deployment and schema Updates:
Changes to properties of an identity column on a table, such as the identity seed - "Requires data motion" and it can, in some cases, cause data loss during its execution of the synchronization.
The recommendation in this case: "If the deployment or update script contains these types of changes, you might want to modify it manually to preserve the data"