executing batch files parallel and wait till all c

2019-05-11 00:48发布


I have a master batch file which calls another list batch files. I want to wait until all the batch files are executed (cannot say which one will execute faster) and comes to master batch file to execute the remaining.


           a) master.bat            b) build.bat
              call build.bat           start web.bat        
              post.bat                 start db.bat                            

here master.bat calls a file build.bat and build.bat files runs the web & db bat files in parallel and once they are executed, it has to return to master.bat and run the post.bat.

can any one please guide me how to do this.


Finally got the resolution but forgot to update :)

@echo off
set "lock=%temp%\wait%random%.lock"

:: Launch processes asynchronously, with stream 9 redirected to a lock file.
:: The lock file will remain locked until the script ends.
start "" 9>"%lock%1" web.bat
start "" 9>"%lock%2" db.bat

:Wait for both processes to finish (wait until lock files are no longer locked)
1>nul 2>nul ping /n 2 ::1
for %%N in (1 2) do (
  (call ) 9>"%lock%%%N" || goto :Wait
) 2>nul

::delete the lock files
del "%lock%*"

:: Finish up
echo Done - ready to continue processing.



If you don't mind using an additional tool – the Windows command processor doesn't support this "out of the box" – you can do it like this without the need for "busy waiting" or using "lock" files:

mparallel.exe --count=3 --shell first.bat : second.bat : third.bat
call post.bat

First line will start first.bat, second.bat and third.bat in parallel. It will not return until all three have terminated. We use --shell here to run tasks in a shell, which is required for BAT files. After the three BAT's have completed, post.bat is executed. Could be another mparallel call though.


Within master.bat:

set "flagfile=%temp%\%random%%random%%random%"
if exist "%flagfile%*" goto flagfloop
call build
if exist "%flagfile%*" timeout /t 10 >nul&goto wbuild

Within build.bat

for %%i in (web db) do (
 start %%i.bat

Within web.bat and db.bat, just before the batch exits, del "%flagfile%%%~n0" >nul 2>nul

Which should select a random tempfile-prefix; create the files 123321123web and 123321123db for the duration of the third-level .bats and then proceed with the main routine when both have finished (The timeout is set to 10 sec; your option to change this as necessary)


This question is a duplicated of Wait For Commands to Finish

You may use several flag files, one per running Batch file. Master Batch file may create Flagfile.1 when enter, and the called Batch file may delete it before end.

The master Batch file just must wait for all flagfiles disappear. For example, in master file:

echo X > flagfile.1
start build.bat 1 arg1
echo X > flagfile.2
start build.bat 2 arg2
if exist flagfile.* goto wait

In any build.bat Batch file:

echo Do my process...
del flagfile.%1
exit /B


Use CALL command as below:

master.bat :

call build.bat              
call post.bat