I've just learned java but from my old experience coming from C++ i tought that i can write a commandline calculator wich supports all 4 basic operators with just one line. But i am having a bit of problem.
This is my code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class omg {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int fnum,snum,anum = 0;
String strtype; //The original calculation as string
char[] testchar; //Calculation as chararray
char currentchar; //current char in the char array for the loop
int machinecode = 0; //Operator converted to integer manually
String tempnumstr; //first and second numbers temp str to be converted int
int operatorloc = 0; //operator location when found
char[] tempnum = new char[256];
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); // The scanner obviously
System.out.println("Enter The Calculation: ");
strtype = scan.nextLine();
testchar = strtype.toCharArray(); //converting to char array
for(int b = 0; b < testchar.length; b++) //operator locating
currentchar = testchar[b];
if(currentchar == '+') {
machinecode = 1;
operatorloc = b;
else if(currentchar == '-') {
machinecode = 2;
operatorloc = b;
else if(currentchar == '*') {
machinecode = 3;
operatorloc = b;
else if(currentchar == '/') {
machinecode = 4;
operatorloc = b;
for(int t = 0;t < operatorloc;t++) { //transferring the left side to char
tempnum[t] = testchar[t];
tempnumstr = tempnum.toString(); //converting char to string
fnum = Integer.parseInt(tempnumstr); //parsing the string to a int
for(int temp = operatorloc;temp < testchar.length;temp++) { //right side
for(int t = 0;t<(testchar.length-operatorloc);t++) {
tempnum[t] = testchar[temp];
tempnumstr = tempnum.toString(); //converting to char
snum = Integer.parseInt(tempnumstr); //converting to int
switch(machinecode) { //checking the math to be done
case 1:
anum = fnum + snum;
case 2:
anum = fnum - snum;
case 3:
anum = fnum * snum;
case 4:
anum = fnum / snum;
System.out.println(anum); //printing the result
This is my code but when i run it it will ask me the calculation and then give this error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at omg.main(omg.java:38)
There might be a better and easier way of doing this i would like to hear both a better way and a fix for my way. Thanks in advance