I am trying to add a image below a scrollview using the famous sequentialLayout and im having a problem with the scrollview's height.
This is how i create my scrollview.
var scrollview = new Scrollview({
direction: Utility.Direction.X,
options: {
size: [300, 300]
paginated: true
When i add surfaces to the scrollview with 250 height, the scrollview's parent DOM container (famous-group) containing these surfaces has a width and height of 0.
When adding this scrollview within a sequentialLayout as the first item, the second item or surface with a height is displayed on top of this scrollview since it has no height.
Any ideas how to fix this using Famo.us?
You can't set size like that - use a modifier for this.
This will be the render tree
Code snippet:
// Create components
var scrollview = new ScrollView();
var image = new ImageSurface({
content: 'content/images/famous_symbol_transparent.png'
// Create Size Modifiers
var scrollModifier = new StateModifier({ size: [200,200]});
var imageModifier = new StateModifier({ size: [200,200]});
// Wrap the Modifier in a RenderNode, so we can add the surface
// (you can't add surfaces directly to a modifier)
var scrollNode = new RenderNode(scrollModifier)
var imageNode = new RenderNode(imageModifier);
// Create a SequentialLayout
var sequence = new SequentialLayout();
And here is an example gist (copy-paste the main.js
after running the yo famous