I am trying to compile some relatively template heavy code with MSVC (2010), and it eventually quits with fatal error C1060: compiler is out of heap space
The whole thing is just one translation unit, and, in comparsion, gcc handles it quite easily (inside a VM, with significantly fewer resources).
Any hints what to look for? Are there any relevant compiler options?
You might be able to counter this by explicitly adding the /Zm option to the C/C++ options of your project. e.g. /Zm256
See this page for the possible solution with the /Zm compiler option, as Mordachai suggested.
Instead of using higher limit for the precompiled header, you may want to try lowering it, so the system has more free memory avaible.
I was able to resolve a C1060 error with moderate template code by reducing the amount of template arguments on my templates. For example, if Foo expects three types:
template< typename T1, typename T2, typename T3 > struct Foo
T1 t1;
T2 t2;
T3 t3;
Foo< int, char, bool > foo;
Then encapsulate the types into a single struct, and use that struct as the argument.
template< typename T_ARG > struct Foo
typename T_ARG::T1 t1;
typename T_ARG::T2 t2;
typename T_ARG::T3 t3;
struct FooArgs
typedef int T1;
typedef char T2;
typedef bool T3;
Foo< FooArgs > foo;
If specialization is required, then consider:
- Push specialized behavior into policies and inherit from them.
- Keep arguments on which you need to specialize in the argument list.
- Chain the types into a typelist. Foo< TypeList< int, TypeList< char, TypeList< bool, NullType > > > >.
In case anyone run into this problem, here's a possible solution:
One potential cause of this error is cl.exe is bumping against the 2 gig application memory limit in 32-bit version of Windows. Normally Windows split the 4 gig address space right in the middle, giving 2 gig to the OS and 2 gig to an application. You can change that to a 1/3 split instead. On Windows 7 and Vista, run the following in a command prompt as an administrator:
bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072
Then restart the computer. Now MSVC has 3 gig to work with instead of 2.
Doing so has just allowed me compile a project that was failing due to error C1060. According to Resource Monitor, cl.exe was consuming just above 2 gig of memory. It would have failed under the regular address space arrangement.
Limiting the OS to just 1 gig can have adverse impact on performance during everyday use of your computer. To change the split back to 2/2, run the following:
bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa
I had a similar issue (also template-heavy), and I was already using /Zm1000
to compile my code (which worked initially). However, after cleaning-up the code, dividing long functions to smaller ones, putting stuff to namespaces / etc., the compiler would spit out the error message:
fatal error C1060: compiler is out of heap space.
right after starting, without any delay (not actually seeming to compile anything). At first, I was confused, as I have 32 GB of swap space and only about 6.1 GB was used at the time. I'm also running x64 OS, so there should be a plenty of memory and swap for everyone.
I referred to MSDN and found out that I actually needed to lower to /Zm800
and now it works great. My understanding is that taking up all heap space for the precompiled header buffer actually locks out the memory space; so using /Zm2000
would leave a 32-bit compiler without means to dynamically allocate memory for other stuff (which it somehow also needs, making the /Zm
option completely ridiculous - use with caution).
I'm using MSVC 6.0, but I hope this helps in 2010 as well.