I have a brand new installation of Laravel 5, in fact I have tried this on multiple versions and keep hitting the same issue.
I have not changed anything from the default except setting the session driver to redis. (File based also has the same issue).
I have two routes set as follows
Route::get('/set/{value}', function($value) {
Session::set('test', $value);
return view('welcome');
Route::get('/get', function() {
return 'Get ' . Session::get('test');
If I visit the url /set/abc I see the session appear in REDIS (I also see the file created when using file based). The session looks fine in REDIS as shown below> KEYS *
1) "laravel:1a3ae6caff6346e4a173fdc1ab4c6eb0f138806b"
2) "laravel:fed1af2fb44c6e625953237c3fa6fcbb05366a5c"
3) "laravel:cb37286ccfe3e7caa20557aca840f50cb5a5f20d"
Every time I visit the page though, it recreates a new session.
The key parts of session.php file is as follows:
'lifetime' => 120,
'expire_on_close' => false,
I have also checked in REDIS the TTL of the session variables and they do get initialised at 120 minutes (equivalent in seconds).
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
It might be worth noting I am using a homestead vm (completely stock) to test this. I have also tried using multiple browsers. No cookies are ever sent to the browser, I presume a session id should be sent to the browser as part of the initial get request?