I have a requirement to unmarshall
a subset of Unknown XML
content, with that unmarshalled object, I need modify some contents and re-bind the same XML content(subset) with the Original XML.
Sample Input XML:
<!-- Need to unmarshall this content to "Content" - java Object -->
Need to unmarshall the <Content>
tag alone, by keeping the other XML part as same. Need to modify the elements in <Content>
tag and bind the modified XML part with the original as shown below:
Expected Output XML:
<!-- Need to unmarshall this content to "Content" - java Object -->
<Role>Senior Member</Role>
My Questions:
What is the possible solution for this Requirement ? (Except DOM
parsing - as XML contnet is very huge)
Is there any option to do this in JAXB2.0
Please provide your suggestions on this.
Consider cutting your source document down to size using the StAX API.
For the given sample, this code creates a DOM document with a root element of the Content
class ContentFinder implements StreamFilter {
private boolean capture = false;
@Override public boolean accept(XMLStreamReader xml) {
if (xml.isStartElement() && "Content".equals(xml.getLocalName())) {
capture = true;
} else if (xml.isEndElement() && "Content".equals(xml.getLocalName())) {
capture = false;
return true;
return capture;
XMLInputFactory inFactory = XMLInputFactory.newFactory();
XMLStreamReader reader = inFactory.createXMLStreamReader(inputStream);
reader = inFactory.createFilteredReader(reader, new ContentFinder());
Source src = new StAXSource(reader);
DOMResult res = new DOMResult();
TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer().transform(src, res);
Document doc = (Document) res.getNode();
This can then be passed to JAXB as a DOMSource.
Similar techniques can be used when rewriting the XML on output.
JAXB doesn't seem to accept a StreamSource
directly, at least in the Oracle 1.7 implementation.
You can annotate an Object
property on your class with @XmlAnyElement
and by default the unmapped content will be captured as a DOM nodes. If you specify a DomHandler
on the @XmlAnyElement
then you can control the format. Here is a link to an example where the content is kept as a String