I've been tinkering all afternoon with ajaxChosen, because I love Chosen, but my option value sets are getting too large. I've also experimented with select2, but it's just too darn slow.
http://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/ https://github.com/meltingice/ajax-chosen
So, I've got the newest version of chosen (1.1.0), and the latest version of ajaxChosen. I initialize ajaxChosen as follows:
type: 'GET',
minTermLength: 3,
afterTypeDelay: 300,
dataType: 'json',
url: 'http://cmcrm.chocolata.be/content/people.php?action=list_options'
}, function (data) {
var results = [];
$.each(data, function (i, val) {
results.push({ value: val.value, text: val.text });
return results;
My script has access to this URL, and there is no XSS-prevention going on since my script is on the same domain as the remote url.
The format of my JSON is as follows:
[{"value":3,"text":"Valerietje Mortelmans (Actief)"},{"value":9,"text":"Olivier Hopchet (Actief)"},{"value":13,"text":"Wieland Rits (Actief)"},{"value":14,"text":"Melissa Seiffert van der Merwede (Actief)"},{"value":15,"text":"Guillaume de Valensart (Actief)"},{"value":18,"text":"Xavier Cloet (Actief)"},{"value":19,"text":"Brent Lammens (Actief)"},{"value":21,"text":"Coralie Libert (Actief)"},{"value":22,"text":"Laetitia Theus (Actief)"},{"value":23,"text":"Evelien Mollet (Actief)"},{"value":24,"text":"Feya Smets (Actief)"},{"value":25,"text":"Michelle Warneke (Actief)"},{"value":26,"text":"Carolyn Spaenjaers (Actief)"},{"value":27,"text":"Evelien Raes (Actief)"},{"value":28,"text":"Ange Luyten (Actief)"}]
I see that chosen has initialized but when I start typing I immediately get "No search results for KEYWORD". There are no errors in my console.
So what's the problem? Does the plugin just not work? Or am I doing something wrong?
I've created a jsfiddle here http://jsfiddle.net/4796y/
Can anyone assist so that I don't waste more time on this? :-) Would love to use this. Thanks!