My default_controller in the routes configuration is set as "home.php".
I have a sub directory for my controllers, lets call it "folder". So if I visit, the default controller "folder/home.php" should be called right?
However for some reason this doesn't work, I get a 404. Visiting or works as expected. In addition to this, the default controller works in the root directory ( loads home.php).
Any ideas, has anyone else experienced this? I can't get my head around it - it would appear to be a CI issue but I can't find anybody else having the same problem.
The documentation, from the way I understand it at least, suggests that this should work fine:
Setting the default controller to "folder/home.php" means that works fine as expected. Except for I want the default controller to just be "home.php" - whether in the root or in a sub directory, home.php within that directory should be loaded, as the documentation suggests.
For each sub-folder in your controllers folder you must specify a default controller in routes.php
. The built in $route['default_controller']
will not work for sub-folders.
e.g: For setting the default controller for you folder
sub-folder to home
add the following to your /application/config/routes.php
$route['folder'] = "folder/home";
which means
is the same as
as URL.
You can extend system router as per requirements,
- Create My_Router.php in
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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* Description of My_Router
* @author girish
class My_Router extends CI_Router {
//put your code here
public function __construct($routing = NULL) {
protected function _set_default_controller() {
if (empty($this->default_controller)) {
show_error('Unable to determine what should be displayed. A default route has not been specified in the routing file.');
// Is the method being specified?
if (sscanf($this->default_controller, '%[^/]/%[^/]/%s', $directory, $class, $method) !== 3) {
$method = 'index';
if (is_dir(APPPATH . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory) === true) {
if (!file_exists(APPPATH . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ucfirst($class) . '.php')) {
// This will trigger 404 later
} else {
if (sscanf($this->default_controller, '%[^/]/%s', $class, $method) !== 2) {
$method = 'index';
if (!file_exists(APPPATH . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ucfirst($class) . '.php')) {
// This will trigger 404 later
// Assign routed segments, index starting from 1
$this->uri->rsegments = array(
1 => $class,
2 => $method
log_message('debug', 'No URI present. Default controller set.');
and overwrite _set_default_controller()
from custom method, it will work from sub-directory controller as well root directory controller.
And in application/config/routes.php
if you need sub-directory default controller, then
$route['default_controller'] = "admin/admins/login";
- admin -- folder
- admins -- controller
- login -- method
if you need root-directory default controller, then
$route['default_controller'] = "welcome/index";
- welcome -- controller
- index -- method
not sure it will work in all versions, but tested in CI3.0.6
If you want to stay flexible you need to pass on everything after the starting folder (in application/config/config.php
$route['home'] = "home/whatever";
$route['home/(:any)'] = "home/whatever/$1";
Default route is used to tell CI , which controller class should be loaded if the URI contains no data.
$route['default_controller'] = "unicorn/best";
So, when I load
the best controller will be loaded.
also when I load
the best controller will be loaded.
In config/routes.php
$route['default_controller'] = 'homeIndex';
$route['frontend'] = 'frontend/home';
$route['backend'] = 'backend/home';
In controllers/homeIndex.php
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class homeIndex extends home {
public function index() {
by default homeIndex will be loaded and from homeIndex i call to frontend/home/action function.