JMockit javaagent isn't initializing JMockit

2019-05-10 14:54发布


I've set up JMockit for use with some JUnit tests also using Robolectric, but I am getting errors. I'm primarily using maven to run the tests.

When I run the test with mvn test and the javaagent configured as specified here I get the usual exception:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: JMockit wasn't properly initialized; check that jmockit.jar precedes junit.jar in the classpath (if using JUnit; if not, check the documentation)

I have validated that JMockit is on the classpath before JUnit using mvn dependency:build-classpath and mvn test --debug. I have also validated that the -javaagent argument is appropriately being called using mvn test --debug.

Library versions:

  • JDK 1.6
  • JMockit 1.5
  • JUnit 4.8.2
  • Robolectric 2.2 The Robolectric runner prevents me from using the JMockit runner.
  • Maven 3.0.3
  • Surefire 2.14.1

The test class follows:

public class HelpFragTest {

    FragmentActivity activity;
    FragmentManager fragmentManager;
    @Mocked ActionBarManager actionBarManager;

    public void setup() throws Exception {
        activity = Robolectric.buildActivity(FragmentActivity.class).create().resume().get();
        fragmentManager = activity.getSupportFragmentManager();

    public void testShow(){
        new NonStrictExpectations() {{
            Helper.staticMethod(anyString, anyString);
        HelpFrag frag = HelpFrag.newInstance();
        FragmentTransaction transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
        transaction.add(frag, StringUtils.EMPTY);



I've also tried without either the explicit runner or the JavaAgent, in which case I get the following exception from the same code:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid place to record expectations


I have run into the same issue, and the problem seems to be that the Robolectric test runner interferes with the JMockit-JUnit integration. See this.


SYMPTOM: Error when run maven with Jmockit and junit into java project.

MESSAGE: JMockit wasn't properly initialized; check that jmockit.jar precedes junit.jar in the classpath (if using JUnit; if not, check the documentation)


Wrong configured in POM.xml file. Jmockit dependencyis is after of junit.


Edit POM.xml file. The jmockit.jar should be precedes junit.jar then jmockit dependency should be before of junit.

(always put jmockit before of junit)