I'm trying to send a confirmation email after user registration. I'm using the JavaMail library for this purpose and the Java 8 Base64 util class.
I'm encoding user emails in the following way:
byte[] encodedEmail = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encode(user.getEmail().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
InternetHeaders headers = new InternetHeaders();
headers.addHeader("Content-type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8");
String confirmLink = "Complete your registration by clicking on following"+ "\n<a href='" + confirmationURL + encodedEmail + "'>link</a>";
MimeBodyPart link = new MimeBodyPart(headers,
where confirmationURL
private final static String confirmationURL = "http://localhost:8080/project/controller?command=confirmRegistration&ID=";
And then decoding this in ConfirmRegistrationCommand in such way:
String encryptedEmail = request.getParameter("ID");
String decodedEmail = new String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(encryptedEmail), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
RepositoryFactory repositoryFactory = RepositoryFactory
UserRepository userRepository = repositoryFactory.getUserRepository();
User user = userRepository.find(decodedEmail);
if (user.getEmail().equals(decodedEmail)) {
return Path.WELCOME_PAGE;
} else {
return Path.ERROR_PAGE;
And when I'm trying to decode:
I'm getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character 5b
I tried to use basic Encode/Decoder (not URL ones) with no success.
The problem was the next - in the line:
String confirmLink = "Complete your registration by clicking on following"+ "\n<a href='" + confirmationURL + encodedEmail + "'>link</a>";
I'm calling toString on an array of bytes, so I should do the following:
String encodedEmail = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(
Thanks to Jon Skeet and ByteHamster.
Your encoded text is [B@6499375d
. That is not Base64, something went wrong while encoding. That decoding code looks good.
Use this code to convert the byte[] to a String before adding it to the URL:
String encodedEmailString = new String(encodedEmail, "UTF-8");
// ...
String confirmLink = "Complete your registration by clicking on following"
+ "\n<a href='" + confirmationURL + encodedEmailString + "'>link</a>";
I encountered this error since my encoded image started with ...
This answer led me to the solution:
String partSeparator = ",";
if (data.contains(partSeparator) {
String encodedImg = data.split(partSeparator)[1];
byte[] decodedImg = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedImg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Path destinationFile = Paths.get("/path/to/imageDir", "myImage.jpg");
Files.write(destinationFile, decodedImg);
Just use the below code to resolve this:
JsonObject obj = Json.createReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.getDecoder().decode(accessToken.split("\\.")[1].
replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/')))).readObject();
In the above code replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/')
did the job. For more details see the https://jwt.io/js/jwt.js. I understood the problem from the part of the code got from that link:
function url_base64_decode(str) {
var output = str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
switch (output.length % 4) {
case 0:
case 2:
output += '==';
case 3:
output += '=';
throw 'Illegal base64url string!';
var result = window.atob(output); //polifyll https://github.com/davidchambers/Base64.js
return decodeURIComponent(escape(result));
} catch (err) {
return result;
The Base64.Encoder.encodeToString method automatically uses the ISO-8859-1 character set.
For an encryption utility I am writing, I took the input string of cipher text and Base64 encoded it for transmission, then reversed the process. Relevant parts shown below. NOTE: My file.encoding property is set to ISO-8859-1 upon invocation of the JVM so that may also have a bearing.
static String getBase64EncodedCipherText(String cipherText) {
byte[] cText = cipherText.getBytes();
// return an ISO-8859-1 encoded String
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cText);
static String getBase64DecodedCipherText(String encodedCipherText) throws IOException {
return new String((Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedCipherText)));
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String cText = getRawCipherText(null, "Hello World of Encryption...");
System.out.println("Text to encrypt/encode: Hello World of Encryption...");
// This output is a simple sanity check to display that the text
// has indeed been converted to a cipher text which
// is unreadable by all but the most intelligent of programmers.
// It is absolutely inhuman of me to do such a thing, but I am a
// rebel and cannot be trusted in any way. Please look away.
System.out.println("RAW CIPHER TEXT: " + cText);
cText = getBase64EncodedCipherText(cText);
System.out.println("BASE64 ENCODED: " + cText);
// There he goes again!!
System.out.println("BASE64 DECODED: " + getBase64DecodedCipherText(cText));
System.out.println("DECODED CIPHER TEXT: " + decodeRawCipherText(null, getBase64DecodedCipherText(cText)));
} catch (Exception e) {
The output looks like:
Text to encrypt/encode: Hello World of Encryption...
RAW CIPHER TEXT: q$;�C�l��<8��U���X[7l
BASE64 ENCODED: HnEPJDuhQ+qDbInUCzw4gx0VDqtVwef+WFs3bA==
BASE64 DECODED: q$;�C�l��<8��U���X[7l``
DECODED CIPHER TEXT: Hello World of Encryption...