On the webpage
It lists prices for a particular item in a game, I wanted to grab the "Current guide price:" of said item, and store it as a variable so I could output it in a google spreadsheet. I only want the number, currently it is "643.8k", but I am not sure how to grab specific text like that.
Since the number is in "k" form, that means I can't graph it, It would have to be something like 643,800 to make it graphable. I have a formula for it, and my second question would be to know if it's possible to use a formula on the number pulled, then store that as the final output?
This is what I have so far and it's not working not sure why.
function pullRuneScape() {
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/Armadyl_chaps/viewitem.ws?obj=19463").getContentText();
var number = page.match(/Current guide price:<\/th>\n(\d*)/)[1];
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('RuneScape').appendRow([new Date(), number]);
Your regex is wrong. I tested this one successfully:
var number = page.match(/Current guide price:<\/th>\s*<td>([^<]*)<\/td>/m)[1];
What it does:
Current guide price:<\/th>
find Current guide price: and closing td tag
allow whitespace between tags, find opening td tag
build a group and match everything except this char <
match the closing td tag
match multiline
Use UrlFetch to get the page [1]. That'll return an HTTPResponse that you can read with GetBlob [2]. Once you have the text you can use regular expressions. In this case just search for 'Current guide price:' and then read the next row. As to remove the 'k' you can just replace with reg ex like this:
Will return just '123'.
- https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/url-fetch/
- https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/url-fetch/http-response
Obviously, you are not getting anything because the regexp is wrong. I'm no regexp expert but I was able to extract the number using basic string manipulation
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/Armadyl_chaps/viewitem.ws?obj=19463").getContentText();
var TD = "<td>";
var start = page.indexOf('Current guide price');
start = page.indexOf(TD, start);
var end = page.indexOf('</td>',start);
var number = page.substring (start + TD.length , end);
Then, I wrote a function to convert k,m etc. to the corresponding multiplying factors.
function getMultiplyingFactor(symbol){
case 'k':
case 'K':
return 1000;
case 'm':
case 'M':
return 1000 * 1000;
case 'g':
case 'G':
return 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
return 1;
Finally, tie the two together
function pullRuneScape() {
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/Armadyl_chaps/viewitem.ws?obj=19463").getContentText();
var TD = "<td>";
var start = page.indexOf('Current guide price');
start = page.indexOf(TD, start);
var end = page.indexOf('</td>',start);
var number = page.substring (start + TD.length , end);
var numericPart = number.substring(0, number.length -1);
var multiplierSymbol = number.substring(number.length -1 , number.length);
var multiplier = getMultiplyingFactor(multiplierSymbol);
var fullNumber = multiplier == 1 ? number : numericPart * multiplier;
Certainly, not the optimal way of doing things but it works.
Basically I parse the html page as you did (with corrected regex) and split the string into number part and multiplicator (k = 1000). Finally I return the extracted number. This function can be used in Google Docs.
function pullRuneScape() {
var pageContent = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/Armadyl_chaps/viewitem.ws?obj=19463").getContentText();
var matched = pageContent.match(/Current guide price:<.th>\n<td>(\d+\.*\d*)([k]{0,1})/);
var numberAsString = matched[1];
var multiplier = "";
if (matched.length == 3) {
multiplier = matched[2];
number = convertNumber(numberAsString, multiplier);
return number;
function convertNumber(numberAsString, multiplier) {
var number = Number(numberAsString);
if (multiplier == 'k') {
number *= 1000;
return number;