I have collection of products from web service, I preview this product in Grid View, but I get the images of the products as Base64 strings. How can I convert it to images and bind it to the images in the Grid View?
Any piece of code that will help me in this issue.
In WPF/Metro/Silverlight, Image is a UI control. Its source is set to BitmapSource. BitmapSource is a data structure to hold image data.
Following is the code to retrieve BitmapImage from byte array.
public BitmapImage ImageFromBuffer(Byte[] bytes)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();
image.SetSource ( stream.AsRandomAccessStream());
return image;
Note that stream.AsRandomAccessStream is not available in API It is an extension method. I found it from response of IDWMaster to this SO question
Following is the code for extension method
public static class MicrosoftStreamExtensions
public static IRandomAccessStream AsRandomAccessStream(this Stream stream)
return new RandomStream(stream);
class RandomStream : IRandomAccessStream
Stream internstream;
public RandomStream(Stream underlyingstream)
internstream = underlyingstream;
public IInputStream GetInputStreamAt(ulong position)
internstream.Position = (long)position;
return internstream.AsInputStream();
public IOutputStream GetOutputStreamAt(ulong position)
internstream.Position = (long)position;
return internstream.AsOutputStream();
public ulong Size
return (ulong)internstream.Length;
public bool CanRead
get { return internstream.CanRead; }
public bool CanWrite
get { return internstream.CanWrite; }
public IRandomAccessStream CloneStream()
//HACK, this is not clone, proper implementation is required, returned object will share same internal stream
return new RandomStream(this.internstream);
public ulong Position
get { return (ulong)internstream.Position; }
public void Seek(ulong position)
internstream.Seek((long)position, SeekOrigin.Current);
public void Dispose()
public Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IBuffer, uint> ReadAsync(IBuffer buffer, uint count, InputStreamOptions options)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<bool> FlushAsync()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperationWithProgress<uint, uint> WriteAsync(IBuffer buffer)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Last 3 methods are not implemented
I have not tested but above should work in principal (may be after some refinement).
This seem to work for me:
public static BitmapImage Base64StringToBitmap(string source)
var ims = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(source);
var dataWriter = new DataWriter(ims);
var img = new BitmapImage();
return img;
Note I don't await anything, img.SetSource should take care of delayed load.
below is the method that binds a Base64String
to an Image
convert the string to byte[] as follows
byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(thebase64string);
pass the byte[] and the Image control to which you want to bind the Image to.
public async void SetImageFromByteArray(byte[] data, Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Image image)
InMemoryRandomAccessStream raStream =
new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
DataWriter writer = new DataWriter(raStream);
// Write the bytes to the stream
// Store the bytes to the MemoryStream
await writer.StoreAsync();
await writer.FlushAsync();
// Detach from the Memory stream so we don't close it
BitmapImage bitMapImage = new BitmapImage();
image.Source = bitMapImage;
Try something like this:
byte[] encodedDataAsBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(encodedData);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(encodedDataAsBytes.Length);
stream.Write(encodedDataAsBytes, 0, encodedDataAsBytes.Length);
Image img = Image.FromStream(stream);
I haven't worked with metro, so I can't help with binding to grid..
Best regards.