I am able to create and run a simple GWT application by creating all the files myself. It works fine and I am able to see the correct display.
I tried playing around the code to enhance my knowledge. What I noticed is that, once I run my app with say module rename to value "testhistory" it works fine.
But after that if I change rename to's value to say "historytokentest" the app gives errors like "Unable to find 'testhistory.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?"
If I change the rename to's value back to "testhistory" it again works fine.
Can anyone clear whether there is any relation between entryPoint class name, .gwt.xml file name, module rename to's value & also project name. Can they be changed in the future? (I know its not good to do so but just clearing doubts)