Random Float between 0 and 1 in PHP

2019-01-09 14:42发布


How does one generate a random float between 0 and 1 in PHP?

I'm looking for the PHP's equivalent to Java's Math.random().


You may use the standard function: lcg_value().

Here's another function given on the rand() docs:

// auxiliary function
// returns random number with flat distribution from 0 to 1
function random_0_1() 
    return (float)rand() / (float)getrandmax();


Example from documentation :

function random_float ($min,$max) {
   return ($min+lcg_value()*(abs($max-$min)));


class SomeHelper
     * Generate random float number.
     * @param float|int $min
     * @param float|int $max
     * @return float
    public static function rand($min = 0, $max = 1)
        return ($min + ($max - $min) * (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()));


update: forget this answer it doesnt work wit php -v > 5.3

What about

floatVal('0.'.rand(1, 9)); 


this works perfect for me, and it´s not only for 0 - 1 for example between 1.0 - 15.0

 floatVal(rand(1, 15).'.'.rand(1, 9)); 


rand(0,1000)/1000 returns:
0.348 0.716 0.251 0.459 0.893 0.867 0.058 0.955 0.644 0.246 0.292

or use a bigger number if you want more digits after decimal point


function mt_rand_float($min, $max, $countZero = '0') {
    $countZero = +('1'.$countZero);
    $min = floor($min*$countZero);
    $max = floor($max*$countZero);
    $rand = mt_rand($min, $max) / $countZero;
    return $rand;


echo mt_rand_float(0, 1);

result: 0.2

echo mt_rand_float(3.2, 3.23, '000');

result: 3.219

echo mt_rand_float(1, 5, '00');

result: 4.52

echo mt_rand_float(0.56789, 1, '00');

result: 0.69


$random_number = rand(1,10).".".rand(1,9);


function frand($min, $max, $decimals = 0) {
  $scale = pow(10, $decimals);
  return mt_rand($min * $scale, $max * $scale) / $scale;

echo "frand(0, 10, 2) = " . frand(0, 10, 2) . "\n";


Solution for PHP 7. Generates random number in [0,1). i.e. includes 0 and excludes 1.

function random_float() {
    return random_int(0, PHP_INT_MAX-1)/PHP_INT_MAX;


Most answers are using mt_rand. However, mt_getrandmax() usually returns only 2147483647. That means you only have 31 bits of information, while a double has a mantissa with 52 bits, which means there is a density of at least 2^53 for the numbers between 0 and 1.

This more complicated approach will get you a finer distribution:

function rand_754_01() {
    // Generate 64 random bits (8 bytes)
    $entropy = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8);
    // Create a string of 12 '0' bits and 52 '1' bits. 
    $x = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF;
    $first12 = pack("Q", $x);
    // Set the first 12 bits to 0 in the random string. 
    $y = $entropy & $first12;
    // Now set the first 12 bits to be 0[exponent], where exponent is randomly chosen between 1 and 1022. 
    // Here $e has a probability of 0.5 to be 1022, 0.25 to be 1021, etc. 
    $e = 1022;     
    while($e > 1) {   
        if(mt_rand(0,1) == 0) {
        } else {
    // Pack the exponent properly (add four '0' bits behind it and 49 more in front)
    $z = "\0\0\0\0\0\0" . pack("S", $e << 4);
    // Now convert to a double. 
    return unpack("d", $y | $z)[1];          

Please note that the above code only works on 64-bit machines with a Litte-Endian byte order and Intel-style IEEE754 representation. (x64-compatible computers will have this). Unfortunately PHP does not allow bit-shifting past int32-sized boundaries, so you have to write a separate function for Big-Endian.

You should replace this line:

    $z = "\0\0\0\0\0\0" . pack("S", $e << 4);

with its big-endian counterpart:

    $z = pack("S", $e << 4) .  "\0\0\0\0\0\0";

The difference is only notable when the function is called a large amount of times: 10^9 or more.

Testing if this works

It should be obvious that the mantissa follows a nice uniform distribution approximation, but it's less obvious that a sum of a large amount of such distributions (each with cumulatively halved chance and amplitude) is uniform.


function randomNumbers() {
    $f = 0.0;
    for($i = 0; $i < 1000000; ++$i) {
        $f += \math::rand_754_01();
    echo $f / 1000000;

Produces an output of 0.49999928273099 (or a similar number close to 0.5).


I found the answer on PHP.net

function randomFloat($min = 0, $max = 1) {
    return $min + mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min);

var_dump(randomFloat(2, 20));


So you could do


or simple

mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * 1;


what about:

echo (float)('0.' . rand(0,199999));

would probably work fine... hope it helps you.

标签: php random