I have a C++ file that:
- starts the matlab engine
- calls
(a compiled m file that runs one of matlab optimizers internally)
- prints the result
- stops the engine and quits
This works fine. I now want to change the second line into
- calls
Where obj_fun()
is a function defined in my C++ code which itself will callback into other code. Essentially I want the matlab optimizer used internally in matlab_optimize
to use my supplied function pointer as the objective function.
I cant just compile obj_fun()
as a standalone mex file since I want it to communicate with the c++ process that starts the matlab engine (which drives the whole thing).
A newsgroup post from 2009 seems to indicate this is not possible. Then again the Matlab C++ Math Library Toolbox does seem to be able to do this.
Googling around also reveals this generated snippet:
* Register a function pointer as a MATLAB-callable function.
extern void mexRegisterFunction(void);
Which seems exactly what I want but the file is from 2000, and I find no reference to this function in the matlab docs anywhere. So how to use this?
You can use mclCreateSimpleFunctionHandle function from the mclmcrrt.h header to make this feature.
It сonverts a function with a prototype void(*) (int, mxArray*, int, mxArray) to the mxArray structure.
You can pass it to the MATLAB side function and call it like general MATLAB functions without any manipulations with mex files.
On the C/C++ side:
void callback(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, mxArray *prhs[])
<some manipulations with data>;
//calling the matlab function
On the MATLAB side:
function [] = matlab_function(function)
function(<any variable>)
I contacted Mathworks about the issue and managed to get it all working. This question was part of a wider effort of being able to pass callbacks to Python functions directly to Matlab.
Full details on this blog post and code available on github.
I'd like to thank totoro for his helpful comment, here some more detailed implementation example on C++ side:
void fromMatlabCallback(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, mxArray *prhs[])
cout << "WOW I'm from Matlab. and it passes me a param: ";
int aa = mxGetScalar(prhs[0]); // it is first param; nrhs tells how many there are
cout << aa << "\n";
void InitializingFunc()
mxArray *func_ptr = mclCreateSimpleFunctionHandle(fromMatlabCallback);
mxArray *retVal_ptr = NULL;
mlfUntitled(1, &retVal_ptr , func_ptr); //Untitled is name of my main Matlab func
If there is a way to do that, I've never seen it. To make matters worse, the Matlab C++ Math Library you reference no longer exists:
It seems that you can create a c-linkable library from any MATLAB function
(see here). If this works as advertised, I think you should be able to do what you want though in a different way.