I want to get intellisense, inside Visual Studio 2010, for knockoutJS.
What I have after some research is:
///reference path="../lib/knockout/knockout-2.3.0.debug.js" />
ko.WeGotIntellisenseHere; //As long as we don't add RequireJs intellisense reference above knockout reference
define(['jquery', 'knockout'], function($, ko){
///<param name="ko" type="knockout">
///some comments
ko.NoIntellisenseHere(); // unless I change "type=knockout" by "type=Array"
Do you know if maybe the "type=knockout" is not correct??? When I change to "type=Array", intellisense works both outside (showing knockout members) and inside (showing Array members) of the "define" function
Same thing happens for jQuery
Note: In the example, I'm not writing the opening tag chracter "<" for the "reference" tag because it has problems on SO
Thanks in advance