In Dart, what's the difference between List.from
and List.of
, and between Map.from
and Map.of
? Their documentation is not totally clear:
* Creates a [LinkedHashMap] instance that contains all key/value pairs of
* [other].
* The keys must all be instances of [K] and the values of [V].
* The [other] map itself can have any type.
* A `LinkedHashMap` requires the keys to implement compatible
* `operator==` and `hashCode`, and it allows `null` as a key.
* It iterates in key insertion order.
factory Map.from(Map other) = LinkedHashMap<K, V>.from;
* Creates a [LinkedHashMap] with the same keys and values as [other].
* A `LinkedHashMap` requires the keys to implement compatible
* `operator==` and `hashCode`, and it allows `null` as a key.
* It iterates in key insertion order.
factory Map.of(Map<K, V> other) = LinkedHashMap<K, V>.of;
* Creates a list containing all [elements].
* The [Iterator] of [elements] provides the order of the elements.
* All the [elements] should be instances of [E].
* The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this
* constructor can be used to down-cast a `List`, for example as:
* ```dart
* List<SuperType> superList = ...;
* List<SubType> subList =
* new List<SubType>.from(superList.whereType<SubType>());
* ```
* This constructor creates a growable list when [growable] is true;
* otherwise, it returns a fixed-length list.
external factory List.from(Iterable elements, {bool growable: true});
* Creates a list from [elements].
* The [Iterator] of [elements] provides the order of the elements.
* This constructor creates a growable list when [growable] is true;
* otherwise, it returns a fixed-length list.
factory List.of(Iterable<E> elements, {bool growable: true}) =>
new List<E>.from(elements, growable: growable);
Is the difference related to generics? Maybe the .from
factories let you change the type of the list, while the .of
ones do not? I come from a Java background, which works with type erasure, and maybe types are reified in Dart and you cannot use casts or raw types to change list/map types?