With all the new features of C++ (C++11 suffices I think), what prevents from having a std::minmax
function that returns a pair of references.
In this way, if one feeds two modifable references, they can be modified. Is this opening a can of worms?
// maybe all this options can be simplified
template<class T1, class T2> struct common;
template<class T> struct common<T, T>{using type = T;};
template<class T> struct common<T const&, T&>{using type = T const&;};
template<class T> struct common<T&, T const&>{using type = T const&;};
template<class T> struct common<T, T&>{using type = T const&;};
template<class T> struct common<T&, T>{using type = T const&;};
template<class T> struct common<T const&, T>{using type = T const&;};
template<class T> struct common<T, T const&>{using type = T const&;};
template<class T1, class T2, class Compare = std::less<>, class Ret = typename common<T1, T2>::type>
std::pair<Ret, Ret> minmax(T1&& a, T2&& b, Compare comp = {}){
return comp(b, a) ?
std::pair<Ret, Ret>(std::forward<T2>(b), std::forward<T1>(a))
: std::pair<Ret, Ret>(std::forward<T1>(a), std::forward<T2>(b));
int main(){
int a = 1;
int b = 10;
auto& small = minmax(a, b).first;
assert(small == 1);
small += 1;
assert(a == 2);
int const a = 1;
int b = 10;
auto& small = minmax(a, b).first;
assert(small == 1);
// small += 1; error small is const reference, because a was const
int a = 1;
int const b = 10;
auto& small = minmax(a, b).first;
assert(small == 1);
// small += 1; error small is const reference, because a was const
int const a = 1;
int const b = 10;
auto& small = minmax(a, b).first;
assert(small == 1);
// small += 1; error small is const reference, because a was const
int b = 10;
auto& small = minmax(int(1), b).first;
assert(small == 1);
// small += 1; error small is const reference, because first argument was const
int a = 1;
auto& small = minmax(a, int(10)).first;
assert(small == 1);
// small += 1; error small is const reference, because second argument was const
int const a = 1;
auto& small = minmax(a, int(10)).first;
assert(small == 1);
// small += 1; error small is const reference, because both arguments are const
// auto& small = minmax(int(1), int(10)).first; // error, not clear why
auto const& small = minmax(int(1), int(10)).first; // ok
// auto small2 = minmax(int(1), int(10)).first; // also ok
assert(small == 1);
// small += 1; error small is const reference, because both arguments are const