Given a number number
such that its digits are grouped into parts of length n
(default value of n
is 3) where each group represents some ascii value, I want to convert number
into a string of those ascii characters. For example:
n number Output
3 70 F
3 65066066065 ABBA
4 65006600660065 ABBA
Note that there is no leading 0
in number, so the first ascii value will not necessarily be represented with n
My current code looks like this:
def number_to_string(number, n=3):
number = str(number)
segment = []
while number:
number = number[n:]
return str(''.join('{:0>{}}'.format(chr(segment), n) for segment in number))
Expected outputs:
number_to_string(65006600660065, n=4)
My current code however returns an empty string. For example, instead of 'F' it returns ' '
. Any reason why this is? Thank you!
I'm wanting to reverse the process of this question, i.e. turn an integer into a string based on the ascii values of each character (number) in the string. But reading that question is not a requirement to answer this one.