Continuing the discussion about converting case classes
and Map[String,Any]
, I faced some problems when I wanted to use it in a generic way, Here is the main discussion.
And when I want to use a generic method like following, compiler complains about the implicits:
import MapConvertor._
def convert[A](cc: A)= {
Here is the whole code that provides toMapRec
import shapeless._, labelled.FieldType, record._
trait ToMapRec[L <: HList] { def apply(l: L): Map[String, Any] }
trait LowPriorityToMapRec {
implicit def hconsToMapRec1[K <: Symbol, V, T <: HList](implicit
wit: Witness.Aux[K],
tmrT: ToMapRec[T]
): ToMapRec[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
new ToMapRec[FieldType[K, V] :: T] {
def apply(l: FieldType[K, V] :: T): Map[String, Any] =
tmrT(l.tail) + ( -> l.head)
object ToMapRec extends LowPriorityToMapRec {
implicit val hnilToMapRec: ToMapRec[HNil] = new ToMapRec[HNil] {
def apply(l: HNil): Map[String, Any] = Map.empty
implicit def hconsToMapRec0[K <: Symbol, V, R <: HList, T <: HList](implicit
wit: Witness.Aux[K],
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[V, R],
tmrH: ToMapRec[R],
tmrT: ToMapRec[T]
): ToMapRec[FieldType[K, V] :: T] = new ToMapRec[FieldType[K, V] :: T] {
def apply(l: FieldType[K, V] :: T): Map[String, Any] =
tmrT(l.tail) + ( -> tmrH(
object MapConvertor {
implicit class ToMapRecOps[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
def toMapRec[L <: HList](implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L],
tmr: ToMapRec[L]
): Map[String, Any] = tmr(