I'm trying to use the JsonProvider and I'm getting the following error when I call a function on it:
System.TypeInitializationException was unhandled
Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in PortableLibrary1.dll
Additional information: The type initializer for '<StartupCode$PortableLibrary1>.$PortableLibrary1' threw an exception.
I have a basic console application as follows:
module Pinit =
open FSharp.Data
type JsonT = JsonProvider<"""..\myFile.json""">
let doc = JsonT.Load("""..\nyFile.json""")
let result = doc.GeneratedAt
let main argv =
printfn "%A" Pinit.doc.GeneratedAt
When run within the ConsoleApplication it all works as expected. If I create an F# Portable Class library as follows:
module Pinit =
open FSharp.Data
type JsonT = JsonProvider<"""..\myFile.json""">
let doc = JsonT.Load("""..\nyFile.json""")
let result = doc.GeneratedAt
Create another Console Application and reference that Portable Class Library and call the code as follows:
open PortableLibrary1
let main argv =
printfn "%A" Pinit.result
When I run the program then it generates the exception defined above:
I'm suspecting it's because of the versions of FSharp.Core but was wondering whether I was doing something wrong or whether there was a way to get this to work?
-- ConsoleApplication --
FSharp.Core =
-- PortableClassLibrary --
FSharp.Core =
FSharp.Data = NuGet Version: 2.0.0