What is the accepted way to instrument a web-site to record execution statistics?
How long it takes to X
For example, i want to know how long it takes to perform some operation, e.g. validating the user's credentials with the Active Directory server:
authenticated = CheckCredentials(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password);
A lot of people will suggest using Tracing, of various kinds, to output, or log, or record, the interesting performance metrics:
var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
authenticated = CheckCredentials(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password);
//write a number to a log
WriteToLog("TimeToCheckCredentials", sw.ElapsedTicks);
Not an X; all X
The problem with this is that i'm not interested in how long it took to validate a user's credentials against Active Directory. i'm interested in how long it took to validate thousands of user's credentials in ActiveDirectory:
var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
authenticated = CheckCredentials(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password);
timeToCheckCredentialsSum = timeToCheckCredentialsSum + sw.ElapsedTicks;
timeToCheckCredentialsCount = timeToCheckCredentialsCount + 1;
if ((sw.ElapsedTicks < timeToCheckCredentialMin) || (timeToCheckCredentialMin == 0))
timeToCheckCredentialMin = sw.ElapsedTicks;
if ((sw.ElapsedTicks > timeToCheckCredentialMax) || (timeToCheckCredentialMax == 0))
timeToCheckCredentialMax = sw.ElapsedTicks;
oldMean = timeToCheckCredentialsAverage;
newMean = timeToCheckCredentailsSum / timeToCheckCredentialsCount;
timeToCheckCredentialsAverage = newMean;
if (timeToCheckCredentailsCount > 2)
timeToCheckCredentailsVariance = (
((timeToCheckCredentialsCount -2)*timeToCheckCredentailsVariance + (sw.ElapsedTicks-oldMean)*(sw.ElapsedTicks-newMean))
/ (timeToCheckCredentialsCount -1))
timeToCheckCredentailsVariance = 0;
Which is a lot of boilerplate code that can easily be abstracted away into:
var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
authenticated = CheckCredentials(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password);
//record the sample
Profiler.AddSample("TimeToCheckCredentials", sw.ElapsedTicks);
Which is still a lot of boilerplate code, that can be abstracted into:
authenticated = CheckCredentials(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password);
Now i have some statistics sitting in memory. i can let the web-site run for a few months, and at any time i can connect to the server and look at the profiling statistics. This is very much the ability of SQL Server to present it's own running history in various reports:
But ASP kills apps without warning
The problem is that this is an ASP.net web-site/application. Randomly throughout the course of a year, the web-server will decide to shut down the application, by recycling the application pool:
- perhaps it has been idle for 3 weeks
- perhaps it reached the maximum recycle time limit (e.g. 24 hours)
- perhaps a date on a file changed, and the web-server has to recompile the application
When the web-server decides to shut down, all my statistics are lost.
Are there any ASP.net performance/instrumentation frameworks that solve this problem?
Try persisting to SQL Server
i thought about storing my statistics in SQL Server. Much like ASP.net session state can be stored in SQL Server after every request is complete, i could store my values in SQL Server every time:
void AddSample(String sampleName, long elapsedTicks)
using (IDbConnection conn = CreateDatabaseConnection())
ExecuteAddSampleStoredProcedure(conn, sampleName, elapsedTicks);
Except now i've introduced a huge latency into my application. This profiling code is called many thousand times a second. When the math is performed only in memory it takes few microseconds. Now it takes few dozen milliseconds. (Factor of 1,000; noticeable delay). That's not going to work.
Save only on application shutdown
i have considered registering my static helper class with the ASP.net hosting environment by implementing IRegisteredObject
public class ShutdownNotification : IRegisteredObject
public void Stop(Boolean immediate)
But i'm curious what the right way to solve this problem is. Smarter people than me must have added profiling to ASP.net before.