I would like to do a basic watch with StackExchange.Redis. Where if a key is changed during the transaction, it fails.
StackExchange.Redis has abstracted this nicely to a "Condition" api, which supports concepts of "Equals" and "Exists".
That's really nice, but I would like to just do something like "Unchanged". I might be missing something, but it's not obvious to me at this point on how to do that.
Is it possible to do something like:
var transaction = redis.CreateTransaction();
transaction.AddCondition(Condition.StringUnchanged("key")); //the API here could maybe be simplified
var val = transaction.StringGet("key"); //notably, this is not async because you would have to get the result immediately - it would only work on watched keys
transaction.StringSetAsync("key", val + 1);
Or even a possible better version (which would do the same thing):
var transaction = redis.CreateTransaction();
var val = transaction.Watch("key"); //this would return the value!
transaction.StringSetAsync("key", val + 1);
Currently the only way I understand of doing this would be to do something along the lines of:
var val = redis.StringGet("key");
var transaction = redis.CreateTransaction();
transaction.AddCondition(Condition.StringEqual("key", val));
transaction.StringSetAsync("key", val + 1);
Which from an attempt at reading the SE.Redis code I understand to translate to something like (not sure how accurate this is):
val = GET key
val = val + 1
SET key $val
checkVal = GET key
(then if checkVal != val:) UNWATCH
(otherwise:) EXEC
I'm still learning more about Redis, but I'm not quite sure what the benefit of this is. Wouldn't you rather the end result be something more like this?:
val = GET key
val = val + 1
SET key $val
Or is this not possible with the way SE.Redis works?