I am trying to integrate CCAvenue payment integration in iOS. They have given me two library files named: libcrypto.a
and libssl.a
They have also given me some header files.
To implement this, they have mentioned that I should to setup header search paths and library search paths in the build settings.
I have set them both but I getting the following error:
ERROR : openssl/rsa.a
file not found.
Can anybody help me step by step with copying these files to my project and setting up the proper path and flags if needed?
I am working with Xcode 7.0.1 and iOS 7.0+
I have achieved today only for IOS 9. To run just you need to download api from CCAvenue
We will Re Add by drag and drop openssl/
and lib/
After downloading follow these steps:
- Delete old reference of from
/build phases
- You will find 2 folders
and lib/
under Openssl/openssl-1.0.1i-iOS
- Just drag drop each folder under
- Also under
Build Settings
of project go for Search Paths
->Library Search Paths
remove what is provided Users/test/desktop/....
and add $(PROJECT_DIR) again add $(inherited)
- Do 4th step for
Search Paths
->User Header Search Paths
.remove and add same as 4th step.
- Compile you will find error gone.
I tested in Simulator working fine.
On Device
on device build was failed. To run on Device also.
- I set
Enable Bitcode
to NO
under Build Options
for project
- Rebuild again and error gone.
I have resolve error by using following steps.
Step 1:- Download CCAvenue iOS SDK https://www.ccavenue.com/inapp_payments.jsp
Step 2:- Delete old reference of from framework/build phases and Clean your app.
Step 3:- You get 2 folders openssl/ and lib/ under Openssl/openssl-1.0.1i-iOS folder.
Step 4:- Copy that folder "openssl-1.0.1i" in your project.
Step 5:- Drag and drop include and lib folder under Frameworks folder and DON'T FORGET TO CHECK COPY FILES IF NEEDED.
Step 6:- In User Header Search Paths write these line. /Users/YOUR_SYSTEM_USER_NAME/PROJECT_SAVED_LOCATION/APP_NMAE/openssl-1.0.1i/include || for example my location is "/Users/CharlePrabhat/Desktop/TestApp/Openssl/include"
Step 7:- Clean and compile you will find everything is fine.
I have tested on my device its perfect running. Hope it will help you.