I'm performing analyses of time-series of simulations. Basically, it's doing the same tasks for every time steps. As there is a very high number of time steps, and as the analyze of each of them is independant, I wanted to create a function that can multiprocess another function. The latter will have arguments, and return a result.
Using a shared dictionnary and the lib concurrent.futures, I managed to write this :
import concurrent.futures as Cfut
def multiprocess_loop_grouped(function, param_list, group_size, Nworkers, *args):
# function : function that is running in parallel
# param_list : list of items
# group_size : size of the groups
# Nworkers : number of group/items running in the same time
# **param_fixed : passing parameters
manager = mlp.Manager()
dic = manager.dict()
executor = Cfut.ProcessPoolExecutor(Nworkers)
futures = [executor.submit(function, param, dic, *args)
for param in grouper(param_list, group_size)]
return [dic[i] for i in sorted(dic.keys())]
Typically, I can use it like this :
def read_file(files, dictionnary):
for file in files:
i = int(file[4:9])
if 'bz2' in file:
os.system('bunzip2 ' + file)
file = file[:-4]
dictionnary[i] = np.loadtxt(file)
os.system('bzip2 ' + file)
Map = np.array(multiprocess_loop_grouped(read_file, list_alti, Group_size, N_thread))
or like this :
def autocorr(x):
result = np.correlate(x, x, mode='full')
return result[result.size//2:]
def find_lambda_finger(indexes, dic, Deviation):
for i in indexes :
# Beach = Deviation[i,:] - np.mean(Deviation[i,:])
dic[i] = Anls.find_first_max(autocorr(Deviation[i,:]), valmax = True)
args = [Deviation]
Temp = Rescal.multiprocess_loop_grouped(find_lambda_finger, range(Nalti), Group_size, N_thread, *args)
Basically, it is working. But it is not working well. Sometimes it crashes. Sometimes it actually launches a number of python processes equal to Nworkers, and sometimes there is only 2 or 3 of them running at a time while I specified Nworkers = 15
For example, a classic error I obtain is described in the following topic I raised : Calling matplotlib AFTER multiprocessing sometimes results in error : main thread not in main loop
What is the more Pythonic way to achieve what I want ? How can I improve the control this function ? How can I control more the number of running python process ?