Get shared link through Google Drive API

2019-01-09 12:25发布


I am working on an app using Google Drive. I want the user to be able to share files by link, setting the permissions to anyone and withLink as described in the Google Developers documentation.

However, I cannot figure out what link to share. When I share a file in the Google Drive browser interface, I see the Link to share in the format:[...]/edit?usp=sharing

A link in this format is not part of the file resource object, nor it is returned from the http call setting the permissions. I hope someone can explain to me how to get this link through the REST api?


You can use the alternateLink property in the File resource to get a link that can be shared for opening the file in the relevant Google editor or viewer:


In my case using the PHP Api v3, for the link to be non-empty you must define that you request this field... and if you have the right permissions:

so something like this:

$file =self::$service->files->get("1ogXyGxcJdMXt7nJddTpVqwd6_G8Hd5sUfq4b4cxvotest",array("fields"=>"webViewLink"));