I want to write a unit test for a service that uses/depends on another class. What i'd like to do is mock the behavior of the dependent class (As opposed to an instance of that class). The service method being tested uses the dependent class internally (i.e. an instance of the dependent class isn't passed in to the method call) So for example I have a service method that I want to test:
import DependentClass;
public class Service {
public void method() {
DependentClass object = new DependentClass();
And in my unit test of Service method(), I want to mock someMethod() on the DependentClass instance instead of having it use the real one. How do I go about setting that up in the unit test?
All of the examples and tutorials i've seen show mocking object instances that are passed in to the method being tested, but I haven't seen anything showing how to mock a class as opposed to an object instance.
Is that possible with Mockito (Surely it is)?